Today is October 22, 2021. We are in the latter half of Year 2 of the pandemic. After the Delta variant surge that lasted about two months world-wide, infection rates in the US and abroad are largely decreasing. Life goes on as best it can. Booster shots are next. This week I've been out to some restaurants in Chicago and you'd almost think it was pre-covid. Or post-covid. Masks are worn upon entry but removed once seated. I was at Wilde's last night, one of my favorite comfort restaurants in Lakeview. It's named after Oscar Wilde's and I enjoy dining in "the library" which surrounds you with books. I was thrilled to see a restaurant so filled with life and joy again. I recently bought my first home, an awesome penthouse condo in Chicago which gives me a view of both Lake Michigan and the night games at Wrigley Field. I have been semi-retired for a year and am loving it. I have one caregiving client I work with a day or two each week but my focus has been...