Beta Reader JT Kalnay on THE HOPE STORE by Dwight Okita

NOTE: I have a few writers reading THE HOPE STORE as "beta readers." Their feedback is very helpful because they are commenting on the whole new book and giving overall input as well as sometimes more detailed notes on the manuscript. I wanted to share some notes from one such reader, author JT Kalnay who has written several fine thriller novels. As you may know, the novel is about the first store to sell hope over the counter. Jada is the store's first customer and Luke is one of the store owners.

Hi Dwight,

I finished the book this evening. It is a fantastic story, filled with just enough twists and turns. But it's the insight into Jada's viewpoint that really makes the story work.
It is fascinating how it gets inside Jada's head, literally and figuratively.
(You probably don't know this but I spend about 1/2 my time doing MRI physics.
So I thought the fMRI part was pretty interesting.)
Many people will weep while they read the story, as they identify with Jada's issues.
Others will identify with Luke and the result of his living a lie.
Dwight I think you have an excellent story here.

JT Kalnay


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