Today, I welcome author Leti Del Mar to my blog "Long Day's Journey Into Dwight." We are doing what's called a blog swap. I feature a short interview with Leti on my blog about her new novel THE INADVERTENT THIEF and she features a short interview with me on her blog about my first novel THE PROSPECT OF MY ARRIVAL  (On Dec. 21, you can read that interview on me at:

1. What made you want to become a writer?
My whole life, I've been thinking up and telling stories.  One day this story was just buzzing around in my head and I had to write it down. Once I started, I couldn't stop.  I gave the first few chapters to a friend who is also an editor for a magazine here in L.A. and she told me I just had to finish it.  So that was that, I knew I needed to be a writer.

2. What inspires your writing?
I get most of my inspiration from the people in my life and the places around me.  I love to travel and incorporate quite a bit of what I experience into my writing.

3. What do you think the hardest part about writing is?
The revision process is the most difficult for me.  It is hard to decide what to toss and what to keep and after reading my own work for a dozen times, it’s hard to maintain the same passion and drive that I had while writing the first draft.

4. Do you plan out what you are going to write or just let it flow?
I spend a significant amount of time early on planning and outlining.  Once I have my plan in place, then I sit down and just write and let it flow.  

5. What is your latest project about?
The Inadvertent Thief is about Vivien Flowers who specializes in protecting fine art and her highly structured world comes to a halt when two very special paintings are stolen.  In her fierce determination to get them back, Vivien learns how to become a thief.  This romantic suspense follows Vivien’s journey from Los Angeles to Paris as she learns about trust, love and the brilliance she is capable of.

6.  What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?
Don't ever give up.  Being a writer is a journey and not a destination so keep writing.  Also make friends with and learn from other authors.  Their tips can be invaluable.

7.  What is on your to-read list?
Right now, I am trying to read as many indie authors as I can to spread the love and support.  I am looking forward to the final installment of Karly Kirkpatrick’s Into The Shadows Trilogy.  She also has a great blog that gave me some wonderful advice on epublishing.
You can purchase The Inadvertent Thief at:

Barnes & Noble

The book is available for free download also:

Social network with Leti at:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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